Review of Adoption Laws Submission

The Government is currently reviewing adoption laws, which have barely changed since the introduction of the Adoption Act 1955.
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Written by
Ināia Tonu Nei
17 January 2022
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The Government is currently reviewing adoption laws, which have barely changed since the introduction of the Adoption Act 1955. Ināia Tonu Nei have agreed a collaborative working relationship with the Ministry of Justice to help with the review. Our focus will be ensuring that the reform complies with Te Tiriti o Waitangi to protect tamariki Māori and their whānau, and determining how whāngai can be recognised in law to remove the many barriers mātua whāngai face in accessing basic systems such as Health and Education.

Submissions on the adoption law review were invited between 18 June and 31 August. Our submission can be read via the link above.