Whāngai Wānanga

On 10 August, Ināia Tonu Nei and the National Iwi Chairs Forum Pou Tikanga co-hosted a wānanga about whāngai at the Wharewaka Function Centre in Te Whanganui-a-Tara.
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Ināia Tonu Nei and Pou Tikanga National Iwi Chairs Forum
17 January 2022
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On 10 August, Ināia Tonu Nei and the National Iwi Chairs Forum Pou Tikanga co-hosted a wānanga about whāngai at the Wharewaka Function Centre in Te Whanganui-a-Tara. The wānanga was one component of Māori-led engagement on the reform of adoption laws currently administered by the Ministry of Justice. The purpose of the wānanga was to discuss whāngai as a tikanga independent of adoption, and whether or not it should have any form of legal recognition. While there was no clear answer to this question, there was universal agreement that further wānanga are required and that there were many voices that need to be included in this kōrero. Notes from the wānanga are available to download from the link above.