Hui Māori Report

This report summarises the kōrero that was shared at Ināia Tonu Nei – Hui Māori in Rotorua 5–7 April 2019. This document attempts to capture what was heard at the Hui, as well as provide further context to why the Hui Māori took place.
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Ināia Tonu Nei
17 January 2022
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This report summarises the kōrero that was sharedat Ināia Tonu Nei – Hui Māori in Rotorua 5–7 April 2019.A small team took notes at the Hui Māori and gatheredinsights from discussion, presentations and activities.This document attempts to capture what was heardat the Hui, as well as provide further context to whythe Hui Māori took place. This report does not claimto represent any individuals or collective groups thatattended the Hui.