Companion report to the Long-Term Insights Briefing: Justice Sector “Long Term Insights on imprisonment, 1960 to 2050”

A Māori view on the future risks and opportunities for imprisonment in Aotearoa.
min read
Written by
Ināia Tonu Nei
17 January 2022
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The Long-Term Insights Briefing, a new type of Crown report to be developed by government departments under the Public Service Act 2020, was identified by Ināia Tonu Nei and the Justice Sector Leadership Board as an opportunity to work together. The joint project has also provided opportunities for Ināia Tonu Nei to work with justice sector government agencies to influence their thinking and envisage a different future. Originally the Ināia Tonu Nei contribution was going to be weaved into the Long-Term Insights Briefing. However, after discussions we agreed with the Justice Sector Leadership Board that our contribution will instead be set out in this stand-alone companion report. This is because we did not want to have to mute or moderate our authentic voices to fit within what is palatable inside a government agency report.

The Long-Term Insights Briefing outlines what Ināia Tonu Nei consider to be the dire situation for Māori and imprisonment.