We lead you follow

A united movement for change in New Zealand's (in)justice system.

Pulling down walls and shining a light on what matters most.

Influencing constitutional transformation within the (in)justice system for Māori and Aotearoa.

Ināia Tonu Nei - Now is the time

A Catalyst for Change and Inclusion

The Ināia Tonu Nei kaupapa was born to address the lack of Māori voice at the Crown’s Criminal Justice Summit in August 2018. This summit was a flagship event of the government's Hāpaitia te Oranga Tangata - Safe and Effective Justice programme which was established to help in setting and communicating the new direction for the New Zealand criminal justice system.

Frustrated by the lack of Māori voice, Māori attendees at the summit called for an intentional space to discuss a Māori response to the reformation of the (in)justice system. From that caucus, call was made for a national hui Māori. This hui took place in Rotorua in 2019. Over 200 Māori with extensive criminal justice experience gathered for this hui, including those with lived experience, practitioners, Māori community groups, service providers, judiciary, academics, Māori/iwi leaders, and musicians. Below are resources from that hui.
Dashboard mockup
Leading the way

Hosting Hui Māori to address important whakaaro on what matters most.

Dashboard mockup

Our Purpose

Three key recommendations arose from the kōrero at the Hui Māori which cover constitutional reform, a call for a plan to accelerate and understand the change needed, and to establish a Mana Ōrite relationship with the justice sector. To enable these recommendations to happen, the message from those who attended Hui Māori was clear: Māori must lead now, Ināia Tonu Nei.

Our Team

Ināia Tonu Nei is a name shared by a kaupapa, a hui, a report and a group of Kaitiaki comprising Rikirangi Gage, Katie Murray, Tā Mark Solomon, Dee-Ann Wolferstan and Eugene Ryder. Ngā Kaitiaki are committed to the kaupapa of Ināia Tonu Nei as articulated at the 2019 Hui Māori and in the Hui Māori report.

Call to Action

Participants of the Hui Māori called for urgent reform of the (in)justice system. The (in)justice system is continuing to harm Māori more than any other grouping in Aotearoa. The Hui Māori recognised that the Crown must approach the reform in two ways:

1. immediately start to decolonise the (in)justice system, to provide instant relief to processes that continue to harm Māori.

2. immediately start designing an intergenerational plan to reform the (in)justice system. This includes starting to work in areas such as constitutional reform, to ensure the reform of the (in)justice system is enduring and reflects the commitment that the Crown made when signing Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

To enable this work to start, the justice sector must support the establishment of a Mana Ōrite model of partnership Ināia Tonu Nei.

Mana Ōrite

In April 2021 a Mana Ōrite agreement was signed between Ngā Kaitiaki and the following justice sector chief executives:

- Crown Law Office
- Department of Corrections
- Ministry of Justice
- New Zealand Police
- Oranga Tamariki
- Serious Fraud Office

The purpose of the mana ōrite relationship is to create a future that benefits both Māori and all New Zealanders by transforming the (in)justice system whereby Māori are no longer affected by the impacts of institutional racism, whānau and communities are empowered, and the system focuses on healing and restoration. It is agreed that neither Māori nor the Crown can do this alone and so this mana ōrite relationship is a necessary foundation for the (in)justice system transformation.